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No Code

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At IT work, we use tools developed to improve productivity, such as NOTION and CODA.

If your problem is related to digital marketing, we use tools like CARRD to make incredible landing pages, WEBFLOW to develop super powerful web pages, IONOS, as an alternative to cms, and we cannot forget TYPEFORM to create web forms, CANVA for design and MAILCHIMP, for email campaigns.

If you need to develop mobile web applications, we can turn to GLIDE, FLUTTERFLOW OR BUBBLE.

To create complex information systems, we use AIRTABLE, which would be the union of sql excel with automation and multi-user.

The icing on the cake is the combination of these tools using MAKE, the automation software that allows you to combine the functionalities of all applications and allows you to take your business productivity to unimaginable levels.

Historically, software was developed to suit the client, which implied hundreds of hours of programming in different languages, making the final solution extremely expensive and development times very long. The other extreme was to buy "canned" software, in which it is much cheaper but the client has to adapt to the product.

The No Code is a software solutions development model that uses existing platforms and structures on which the customized tool for each client can be built.

The No Code comes to combine the best of these two models, it is the most economical option and it adapts 100% to the client's needs.

Do you want to know how we work?

I invite you to learn about the SMV method by clicking on the following button

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